Autumn of 1890 to 24 October 1915
War Service:
Lieutenant GEORGE FERRIS WHIDBORNE MC, 3rd battalion Coldstream Guards, died of wounds on 24 October 1915. He was wounded while in charge of a party of men putting up wire in front of the trenches. A bomb burst close to him and he was struck in the right leg and the small of the back. He died the following day. His promotion to Lieutenant was announced posthumously in London Gazette of 12 November 1915.
He was awarded his Military Cross for "general and consistent good work under very trying circumstances,” in particular for his role in rescuing the miners from a mine at Givenchy, going down himself and along the shaft at the bottom, and helping to carry the men who were gassed.
He is buried in Bethune Town Cemetery.
Location of Memorial:
He is remembered on the war memorial at St John’s church, Lewisham Way
He was born at St. George's Vicarage, Battersea, in the autumn of 1890. He was the eldest son of George Ferris Whidborne and Margaret Whidborne, of Hammerwood House, East Grinstead, Sussex.
His brother died of wounds in March 1917 while serving with the 28th Londons (Artists Rifles).
Contributed By: Andy Pepper
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