In front of the Livesey memorial hall,
Bell Green
225 Perry Hill
Sydenham SE6 4HD
UKNIWM Ref: 12141 [Memorial] and 17944 [Hall]
Sadly the front 3 panels on the memorial were stolen October 2011
OS Map Ref:
Map: Memorials of Lewisham Map
Type: Memorial stone with bronze figure of Victory triumphing over Evil.
Description: Three steps lead up to a memorial stone with a bronze figure of Victory triumphing over Evil in the centre. There are bronze plaques in the centre and on either side listing the names of those who died in WW1 with a new inscription added of those who died in WW2. There is also a plaque at the back listing the partners and employees who took part in WW1.
Original inscription, left hand panel:
in the great war of 1914-19 for
the freedom of the world, 458
of the co-partners and employees
of the southern suburban gas company
took part. Their names appear
heron: on the adjoining tablet being recorded the names of
those who laid down their lives.
this memorial to them is erected
by their grateful employers, fellow-workers and co-partners
"and these - oh. Not for nought
our burden bore
New inscription:
On the tablets above are recorded the names of those
co-partners and employees of the south suburban gas company
who made the ultimate sacrifice in the world wars 1914-1919
and 1939-1945. This memorial to them is erected by their
grateful employers and co-partners
and these - oh not for naught our burden bore
Right hand panel:
names of the fallen
if I should die, think only this of me:
that there's some corner of a foreign field
that is forever England. There shall be
in that rich earth a richer dust concealed
Rupert Brooke
Rear of the memorial:
Names of the partners and employees of the South Suburban Gas Company
who took part in the great war of 1914 - 1919
Designer: Sydney Marsh
Unveiled on 4 June 1920 by Lord Robert Cecil
Wars Commemorated: First World War & Second World War
Names: Click here for the names on this memorial
WW1 458 served 58 Died
WW2 36
WW2 Civilians 13 Died
Total 565
Do you have more information on the people named on this memorial or the memorial? If so click here to contribute information.

by Local History and Archives Centre, Lewisham and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence