Deptford, Addey and Stanhope School WW1 Memorial

New Cross Road
SE14 6TJ

UKNIWM Ref: 12202

OS Map Ref: TQ380 750

Map: Memorials of Lewisham Map

Type: Tablet

Description: Four metal tablets with names inscribed mounted on red Belgian marble with a green Swedish marble frame surrounding. The main inscription is carved above the tablets and there are symbolic devices of metal crests with crowns and the motto “Glory, Sacrifice, Victory” on either side.


To The Memory Of The Old Scholars Of
This School Who Fell In The War Of 1914 – 1918
A Deo Et Rege


Ceremonies: The memorial was unveiled on Thursday 4 June 1921 by Mr. F.G. Skinner, chairman of the Governing Body. The dedicatory service was conducted by the Vicar of Deptford, the Rev T.W. Pitman assisted by Rev W. Broadbent, Pastor of Brockley Road Baptist Church.

Designer: Mr. Henry J.W. Wilkins

Craftsmen Messrs J. Wain & Son, and Messrs W.J. Gleaves & Son

Wars Commemorated: First World War

Press: Herald Observer 1 August 1919, Kentish Mercury 20th May 1921, 27 May 1921 and 10 June 1921

Names: Click here or the names on this memorial

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