Sadly through researching this site it has become clear that a large number of people named on these memorials have no known graves. Their bodies were never formally recovered and buried, although they could be among the unknown service personnel graves maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. For the families there was no grave to visit or identify with, so local memorials became important for them.
My Great Uncle was among those at the Battle of the Somme whose body was never identified and I have not been able to find out when he went from missing in action to presumed dead. That must of been a hard time for the family but also through this wiki it can be seen it was obviously a hard time for families in nearby streets and other residents of Lewisham Borough area.[Click here for links to the Campaigns and Battles pages]
Those Lewisham residents whose bodies were never identified and are registered as missing:
- Adams, Charles Edgar
- Adams, Herbert Lewis
- Adams, John Amos
- Adamson, Duncan Francis Charles
- Aldersley, Eustace
- Aldridge, Albert M
- Allen, Mark
- Andrews, Frederick George
- Andrews, Richard Clufcott
- Angel, Arthur Leonard
- Ansell, Alfred
- Anset, Douglas Campbell
- Anstiss, Harry Sydney Augustus
- Arkcoll, Frederick Thomas
- Arnot, Laurian Anthony Deane
- Ascott, George Thomas Frederick
- Ash, Sidney James
- Ashman, John George
- Astington, Tom
- Atkins, George Bernard
- Austin, Leonard John
- Avery, William Ernest
- Ayers, Clement
- Ayling, Leslie Wallace
- Back, Erroll William Alfred
- Bacon, Edward Thomas
- Bagwell, Albert Rowland
- Bailey, Ernest Edgar
- Bailey, Frederick John
- Baker, Albert
- Baker, Charles George
- Balcombe, Charles Henry
- Balkwill, Charles Vince
- Ball, Frank Granville
- Ballard, Frederick William
- Banham, Clement Charles
- Banks, James
- Barker, John Edward
- Bartlett, Frank Basil
- Bashford, Edgar
- Bass, Matthew Henry
- Batch, Clarence Cecil
- Batch, Richard George
- Batchelor, William Harold
- Baulk, Harry Percy
- Bax, Bertram
- Bax, Harold Stanley
- Baxter, Julian
- Baylis, Joseph Henry
- Beal, Augustus Herbert
- Bearman, James
- Beeley, John Edward
- Beeley, Leslie Henry
- Bennett, Albert Edward
- Bennett, Robertio Charles Rudolph Busby, MC
- Benns, Arthur Lionel
- Benstead, Thomas Robert
- Benzie, Walter
- Bethell, Edwin
- Beynon, Ernest John Wilson
- Bibby, William
- Bickle, William George
- Bicknell, Arthur Victor
- Bigg, Richard Maskell
- Bilson, Harold
- Blackburn, Arthur
- Blakelock, George Robert
- Blanchflower, Cecil
- Bliss, Harold Edgar
- Bloyce, Albert Edward Victor
- Boag, Leonard George
- Boatman, Thomas James
- Bone, Ronald Walter
- Boothby, Ernest Brooke
- Bowell, Ernest Philip
- Bowen, Alan
- Bowes, Stanley Ward
- Branch, John St Patrick
- Brazil, Horace Charles
- Brett, Walter George
- Brickell, Percy Henry
- Broad, John Robert
- Brodie, Stanley Gordon
- Bromley, Alfred W
- Brook, James Edward Blythe
- Brook, Nevill Benjamin Blythe
- Brooke, Frank Washington
- Broome, William Walter
- Brown, Arthur
- Brown, Percy Alfred
- Brown, Walter Stanley
- Brown, William John Henry
- Bruster, John
- Buddin, Albert John
- Budge, Henry Percy
- Budgen, Alfred
- Buggy, Albert Victor
- Bullen, George John Thomas
- Bulmer, Charles Forsyth
- Bulmer, Frank Stedman
Do you have more information on people named in this Battle? If so click here to contribute information.

by Local History and Archives Centre, Lewisham and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence