
The Lewisham War Memorial Wiki has been developed to WAI accessibility guidelines and we are constantly striving to maintain and improve the standard of the content and ensure that it is accessible to the widest possible audience.

Text size
If you find the text on the website illegible you can increase the text size in your browser settings. For example if you are using Internet Explorer go to View > Text size and then select an appropriate text size (e.g. Larger or Largest).

Colour contrast
If the combination of text and background colours on the site causes problems with legibility these can be changed within your browser settings.

For example if you are using Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Accessibility, select 'ignore colours specified on web pages'. Click on OK. Click on Color button at the bottom of the Internet Options page. Unticking the 'use windows colours' box and then you can pick the replacement colours you prefer.

The majority of downloadable documents on the Lewisham War Memorial Wiki are in PDF format. To view a PDF document you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free. Click here for a free download and further information.


by Local History and Archives Centre, Lewisham and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

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